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Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres is a privileged place with a unique natural and cultural wealth in Mexico. This beautiful island combines the beauty of the Caribbean, the dense tropical jungle and the wonderful heritage of the Mayan civilization.

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Second Home

Ixchel Residences

What does a second home mean to you?

If you ever had a second home, you know owning property in a beautiful location, anywhere, has its pros and cons. Legal title to your property assures you the benefit of appreciation in value and unrestricted use allows you to vacation at any time. But problems with maintenance and cleaning become a burden unless you occupy the home at least six months out of the year. But, who pays your bills when you aren't there? If you rent it, can you be sure the property is taken care of properly? I prefer to concentrate my energy on business when at home and be pampered to the maximum when on vacation. The real benefit of a vacation home is the renewal of energy; the joy and peace of mind you get from it while you are there with your loved ones. The question is simple: Is it worth it to pay 400, 500 or 900 thousand U.S. dollars for a vacation home in the Mexican Caribbean with all kinds of hassles and is not used 75 to 85 percent of the time?
There is a hassle-free and less costly alternative.  A property you can own for only the time you will be using it each year. It also gives you a 5-star hotel service but is a deeded and titled property from which you will get appreciation in value.

It is called “Fractional Ownership”, and it is well known in locations such as Colorado, San Diego, Paris, South Africa, Dubai, England, New York, California, etc.

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Discovery Visit !!!

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Ixchel Beach Hotel

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Dream, Awake, Enjoy...

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